Search by Keyword: Satisfaction
Comparison of Learning Achievement of Undergraduate Students in SS 2202304 History of Americas between Learning through WebQuest and Lecture-based Learning วีรวิชญ์ บุญส่ง |
The Effects of Studying English Lessons through Podcast to Enhance Foundation English for Undergraduate Students at Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University ศิตา เยี่ยมขันติถาวร and จรีลักษณ์ รัตนาพันธ์ |
Development of Interactive Multimedia Electronic Comic Book on Accounting Cycle for Undergraduate Students of Rangsit University เกศรา สุพยนต์ |
Learning Achievement and Satisfaction Using Online Gamification in China Elementary School Mathematics Chen Tianjie Kanyarat Sriwisathiyakun and Piyapong Sumettikoon |
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